Saturday, July 25, 2009

Psychic Fitness

Our fabulous gym teachers dressed as Men In Black for the launch of the new classes today.

This beautiful July morning my hubby and I went to three fitness classes at our local gym. Oh my goodness! Or as my sister would say Omg. Actually, I thought I would be a lot more fatigued than I really am. Which is a good sign that I’m getting more stamina, and healthier, right? That’s what I’m going on. Afterward I felt a nice sense of peace, tranquility and relaxation. It probably helped that the last class we did called “Body Combat” is based on martial arts. I’m pretty sure it allowed me to release some anger or irritation or frustration or…something that I didn’t even know existed.

According to well respected metaphysicians, grinding your teeth is a signal that you have some unresolved rage. This isn’t the best news for me. I have been grinding my teeth for almost my entire life. So I have to ask myself, what I was raging about when I was an infant. Perhaps a past life thing? I don’t know and maybe I never will. I do know, however, that taking Body Combat this morning was enlightening. And apparently, I still have a few more things to work out in this lifetime because there seems to be a lot of umph behind that right hook of mine.

Too bad I can’t just punch away real life problems. It might be easier and slightly less involved than hashing out all the emotional drama that I am so want to do. I just love to assign reason and logic to all of life’s situations. I think it might be better to just give me an invisible punching bag and I’ll kickbox my way to a healthier psyche…

Anyone up to creating a prototype?


  1. It's interesting to read your last three posts from newest to oldest.

    Unidentified agression
    Bird on the defense
    The universe as your mirror.

    It seems to me like you could do some identifying with that bird who wasn't in flight, but fight mode.

    The question is, what is it you're trying to protect?

    P.S. I'm super excited about your recent blogging. Can't wait for more!

  2. That is an excellent question Jennifer, wanna help me find out the answer?
